Thursday, 11 November 2010

Magazine Title & Font.

I have chosen the title 'MCN' for my magazine. This three initial word stands for 'May Contain Noise'. This is a play on the phrase 'May Contain Nuts' which is written on a lot of food packaging. By using something which is written on a lot of food products, it shows the magazines insentive to be written on a lot of music products; for example: albums, singles, advertisments etc. Also, this title directly shows that it is a music orientated magazine as it draws attention to sound and 'noise'.
These are some fonts which I considered using for my magazine. I want my magazine to be quite minimilstic and simple in it's style, quite like some NME front covers. Aslo, as my target audience is a mainly young male audience, I think that the first and third font are too feminine. The last two fonts are a bit too distrorted. Despite loking quite good, I think that they are not as memorable as a more simple font. I think that the second font would be good for my magazine as it is edgey and quite simple, however I have chosen this font (below) as I think that it is the most memorable and it's simplicity will refelct the style of my magazine perfectly.

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