Thursday 19 May 2011

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The title of the magazine is very clear throughout the design. I had taken inspiration from other magazine titles such as 'Kerrang' and 'NME'. The fonts are bold and embossed so that they stand out on the cover. I also used a similar colour scheme to these designs in my title to ensure readers would have an idea of what genre the magazine is.The images used throughout my design are all studio based locations apart from the image taken at a live musical event. Some of the images have simple backgrounds such as the plain studio backdrop, whereas other images have decorative backdrops.All the people photographed in the design are wearing dark clothing which again suggests that my magazine is meant for young and 'indie' teenagers. I have used a guitar in one of the images to emphasise the musical background of the image and the artist photographed is holding it asif to hit the camera. This suggests a rebelious and energised artist which will appear to a younger audience. I have a variety of gender shown in my magazine as there are both males and females photographed in the design. This should make the magazine appeal to both sexes.

The written content featured in my design should also appear to a younger audience as I have written in an informal style with lots of jokes and slangThe red and black colour scheme of my magazine matches that of existing magazines in the 'indie/rock' genre. The fonts used on the cover of my magazine should also attract a young audience as they are modern, edgy and bright.

<<< This is the layout design for my front cover, it is pretty simple and follows the usual conventions of magazine covers.

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