Monday 7 March 2011

Front Cover Finishing Touches

Now that I'm back from LA I can finally finish my front cover, and while I was there I found the perfect thing to finish it off: a Biffy Clyro guitar pick. I will use this to design a feature to go on the side of my magazine, the feature will be a competition to win Simon Neil's (the lead singer's) guitar pick. I chose to do this as a lot of magazines have competitions on the front page, for example winning band merchandise and festival/gig tickets. I did have one problem though, the pick was pink and did not look right on my page as my colour scheme is red, black and white. So I edited it on Photoshop and made it red so it fitted in. Here is how I did it:

After altering the brightness and contrast, as well as replacing the colour, I used the background eraser tool to make the background clear and easy to put onto my magazine. I also used the sharpen tool to make it more clear and readable. Here is the overall result:

I now created a circle on Photoshop to place the image of the pick and my text onto. It is black with a red shadow all around the edge. I also used arial bold font in white to fit in with the rest of the front cover, however I put Simon Neil's name in red so it stands out to the audience and grabs their attention. Here is the overall feature:

I then also had one last gap left to fill on the right hand side of my page next to the artists face. I decided a heading for an inside feature would fit into this well. I noticed in my previous research of front covers that the side heading are usually of album reviews or gig reviews, and I know that a popular rock band - Foo Fighters- album has just come out. So I decided to feature 'Foo Fighters new album' with the 'full review inside'. Again, I used arial bold font in white and used black for the background of the review heading. I did not use any red as I did not want to distract from any of the other features. Here is the feature:

I will now add these onto my front cover and post the finished product.

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