Sunday 20 March 2011

Contents Page Continued - Photoshoot

After looking carefully at other contents pages, I noticed most of their main images were of musicians playing an instrument, so I decided to recreate this in my magazine to achieve the same professional look. Here are a few conventions I noticed of contents page main images:

- They are usually a mid-shot. Can see most of artists body including the instrument they are playing
- It is usually an action shot - strumming guitar, playing drums etc.
- They do not look at the camera, this makes it seem more professional
- They use props, such as instruments and headphones

When considering this, I thought my model should be also playing an instrument, so I photographed him with a guitar and headphones on. This should appeal to my target audience as mine is similar to that of Kerrang!, whose readers spend a lot of money on audio and music equipment. I took 4 photographs overall, here they are:





I decided to use image number 2 as it looked the best due to the positioning, lighting and it also looked the most realistic. I will now crop and edit it to fit in my planned position on my contents page. I used Photoshop to do this, here are the steps I took:

As well as this, I sharpened the image to keep it looking clear, as well as cropping it into a portrait image rather than landscape. Here are the before and after shots of the image:

I then added a drop shadow as a lot of contents page I have seen do this to help it stand out from the white background and add more depth:

Here is my contents page so far:

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