Wednesday 16 March 2011

Conventions Of A Contents Page & Plan

After researching into various different rock magazines, I notice some fundamental features that must appear in order for it to work. I will include each of these in my own contents page. They are:

- A main heading at the top of the page
- A main index to the right of the page
- Headings and sub-headings in the index that are easy to naviagte
- References to page numbers
- A main image/feature that stands out from the rest
- Smaller images/features that fit around the main one
- Captions under/on each image
- A subscription deal plus image of the front cover this week
- An editors note
- A link to the website
- The date and issue number

After establishing what I was going to put on my contents page, I decided to make a more visual plan to ensure that I knew where I wanted each part to fit in. Here is my plan:

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