Monday 25 April 2011

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My magazine represents basically the profiles of the people in my target audience, this is young people aged 16-25, which a strong interest in rock music. In order to represent these people adequately I had to research into them and study their features. I had already research the profiles of the people who are represented in Kerrang! magazine as these are the same kind of people who would read my magazine. In this research I found that these people are highly interested in fashion and like to look good. I also saw in some magazine rock artists wearing military boots and vans on their feet, and red t shirts a lot. These are examples of the type of rock style clothing I found that they would wear:

In my research into who read Kerrang! I also noticed that the audience spend a lot of money on audio and music equipment each year, and also like to watch live music. I found that most of these people own guitars, headphones, amps and drums/drumsticks usually In most rock music magazines I have seen the use of instruments and music related props like this too. These are the kind of equipment most of the social groups would own/use regularly:

After researching many different rock music magazines I found a cover of Kerrang! that really stood out to me as representing the type of people who would read my magazine, and how I wanted to represent people from my magazine:

Hayley Williams is the perfect example of someone I want to represent via my magazine. She is the right age range and likes the same rock style of music as the people I am trying to represent and appeal to. She is a strong and confident female which is the look I was trying to achieve from my magazine front cover. When I was looking for a model to live up to this image I immediately thought of Ashley. She has the same rock look as Hayley, wears the same kind of rock styled clothes as her and generally has a similar confident feel to them as displayed by the images below:

As you can see, Ashley has a very similar style to Hayley. They are both wearing fashionable red t shirts, which coincidently connote rock and tie in with the house colours of both Kerrang! and my own magazine. I had to be exact and specific when deciding who to chose as a model as the magazine industry is getting increasingly competitive and I needed to chose someone who would best represent my target audience, reach out to them, get them to buy my magazine and therefore make it a success.

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