Saturday 23 April 2011

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Within my research of magazines, I also had a look at what institutions publish them. I looked at IPC media a lot, as it produces over 60 music brands including NME that I directly researched as it is a rock magazine. It reaches over 26 million people in print alone and therefore is very influential to UK music. Here is some information I got from their website that helped me learn about them:

Here is another part of their website about the rock music magazine NME, which influenced my own magazine:

I have also looked at Bauer Media Group, who produce magazines that I have also researched such as Kerrang! and Q magazine. These are slightly more large scale then IPC, as they produce over 300 magazine and distribute magazines over 15 countries. They also have a turnover of around 2 billion euros. Here is some information I gathered from their website:

My magazine is heavily influenced and resembles Kerrang! a lot, our target audience and music style is very similar. For this reason I thought despite Bauer Media being bigger than IPC media, it would not be good for magazine sales if they was to distribute my magazine as it would have to compete with Kerrang!, which already has a strong fan base who would be hard to overrule. Therefore, since IPC media do not have a magazine quite like mine, there is a niche within their publishings for my magazine to fit in, and I think it would sell the best and reach my target audience best under their distribution.

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