Friday 22 April 2011

4. Who would be the target audience for your media product?

A target audience goes much beyond just music tastes, therefore I needed to identify what a typical reader of my magazine likes and does in their free time. So I asked several questions to the same people I used to ask questions to in my first initial questionnaire when I was gathering my targets audience wants and needs. Here are the extra questions I asked:

Here is an example of a person I know who would be a typical reader of my magazine:

Name: Charlotte
Age: 20
Music Taste: Rock/Indie
Favourite Bands: Red Hot Chilli Peppers/Nirvana
Favourite Shop: Topshop
Favourite TV Programme: Misfits

Here is a reader profile for my magazine:

Project Phoenix

Bauer Media Company created Project Phoenix as a way of looking more closely at music. I studied this and found out the following:

- Music is the most popular hobby in the UK, before even films

- There is still a very big niche in the market for music

- People like to experiment and mix their music taste a lot

- Live music is more popular than ever

Project Phoenix hs 4 main categories.

  • Background Listeners. (39% of the 16-45 population)
  • The headliners (20% of the 16-45 population)
  • Track hunters (24% of the 16-45 population)
  • Pace-setters (17% of the 16-45 population)

My magazine is mostly aimed at pace-setters as they are the people most interested and obsessed with music. They will buy albums rather than singles and regularly attend gigs to religiously follow their favourite bands.

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