Wednesday 20 April 2011

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constucting this product?

Photoshop played a very big part in my coursework, as every product was created on this. I had previously used Photoshop in other work and so already had a vast knowledge of how to use the programme. However, since doing this coursework I have developed many other skills from this programme that made my magazine look professional and of a high standard. I learned these through internet tutorials and asking the help of the media technician in college. Examples these skills are editing photographs using the healing brush tool, easily removing background using the eraser tool and replacing the colour of things using the colour replacement tool.

I used a Nikon Digital SLR camera a lot for photo shoots and most of the images in my magazine were taken on one of these. I used a SD memory card to transport the images from my camera to my laptop and desktop in college. I have used this camera a lot before due to my art work, but I did learn a little more about it, for example how to use macro to focus on close detail in the image.

I used a lot throughout my coursework. They have thousands of different styles of font with many different genres. Luckily, they had many rugged looking fonts that matched perfectly with my rock genre. I only discovered this website after starting this project through my teacher, without it my magazine would not of looked so professional or realistic. is the site I used to document my progress throughout my whole coursework. I had never used it before this so I had to get to terms with it first. However, I found it very simple and easy to use, the fact that you get your own blog number was very helpful. Also, I found the auto-save feature saved me a lot of work that could have been potentially lost due to a faulty laptop. This site helped me to explain everything I had done easily with precise dates and times through images and text.

I used the internet a lot throughout the coursework also to do a research. This research was key to my magazine as it gave me something to work from. I learned that the internet is an easy source of so many useful resources From the internet I gained:
- Statistics about Kerrang!
- Examples of front covers
- Examples of contents pages
- Examples of double page spreads
- Information about distributors and publishers

Slideshare allowed me to put some of my research analyses from Powerpoint into an interactive slideshow of my work. I had never used this before the start of this coursework and found it a very interesting and different way to display my work.

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