Monday 18 April 2011

7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

My preliminary front cover and my final front cover:

As you can see my prelim looks much more unprofessional then my front cover does. I had not researched any college magazines before I started my preliminary task and therefore was unaware of what to work towards and any effects I could use. I think I got the text wrong a lot, and the font was too small and thin and generally not bold enough to grab the audiences attention. I also did not use a clear enough colour scheme is it seems inconsistent. My main image is also quite week as the models face cannot be seen.

My final front cover has worked a lot better than my preliminary task has, this just shows how much I have developed my media production skill and knowledge over this time. They key to making my magazine look realistic was much research. As you can see my colour scheme is a lot more genre related and consistent. My main image is bold and striking and demands attention. My smaller images and features around the sides of the magazine increase audience interest and make it look packed full of things to read. The tagline and bottom bar also add to the professional look.

The same applies for my contents page: It looks much less professional. There isn't a lot going on the page except the image, heading and index. The heading looks boring and bland and the index isn't very clear against the image. The main image is also too heavily edited and does not look realistic. However, my final contents page looks much more realistic. The images are very diverse and different, with some live musicians with guitars and microphones, and others are posed. It promotes a variety of rock music choices to the audience. My index is clear and easy to navigate and the title is interesting and bold.

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