Friday 15 April 2011

Finished Double Page Spread & Feedback

Overall, I am pleased with how my double page spread has turned out. It gives off a rock music look which is exactly what I was aiming for as this will appeal to my audience who enjoy rock music. The main image works very well as it the biggest and most noticeable feature of the page, however it does not distract you away from the rest of the page. The film strip of smaller images shows my artist in many different lights and allows the audience to connect with her and it is also entertaining. The text is clear as it is white on a dark background and the interview is very relevant to the genre of my magazine. The background gives a deep and dynamic rock feel to the page without looking too busy of cluttered. The lyrics strip at the bottom is fun and easy to read, and also gives an exclusive to the reader. The title is bold and grabs the audiences attention right away.

I asked two friends to write a few sentences about my front cover. They both fit the profile of my target audience and were willing to give me their opinion. Ashley is a 21 year old English & Media graduate and so will be able to give me precise valuable feedback. Grace is a 18 year old Media student and therefore will also be able to give me good feedback:

The double page spread continues the edgy rock theme further, with it’s attention-seeking font and striking imagery. The font connotes attitude again, following on from the front cover with a red and white themed print. The audience’s eye is drawn to the central title similar to style of the front cover, then onto the main large image of Ashley, and finally down the right side of the page to the smaller images. Each image, with its effective brown-tinged grungy effect, fits with the tone of ‘VOLUME!’. The props being used such as a guitar, amplifier and drumstick emphasise the musical genre. In addition, the pictures used at the side of the page, reminds me of a film strip and continues to give an insight into her musical image as a rock star.

It introduces the cover star with a quote for the title, which sets the tone for the article perfectly. The written article, gives the fans some insight into Ashley as a person and also the reasons behind her music, which creates an exciting atmosphere as it empahsises that this is exclusive to the audience only. This leads onto the lyrics at the bottom of the page, which again connects the fans to the new album, and extra details about her personal emotions and thoughts during the writing process. There is a real feeling that the reader is involved within Ashley’s world due to the personal way it is presented through both the images and the quotes used.

I love this double page spread. I thought it was from a real magazine! The little things like the title and the arrows on the bottom of the page make it look realistic and professional. I think your image works great and I love how you have made them all look anitquey looking with the sepia covers. The images down the side are weird but brilliant, I like all the different props and poses you have used. The heading got my attention right away - I love the font. The interview was entertaining to read and the lyrics section at the bottom was very fun!
Now I have finished I can begin to evaluate my work.

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