Saturday 2 April 2011

Conventions Of A Double Page Spread & Plan

From my research into double page spreads I have identified some of the typical conventions that must be included to make it work. These are also especially tailored to my target audience, as I researched into magazines like Kerrang!, who have very similar target audiences to mine. These are also successful rock music magazines, so would give me a strong base to start off with. Here are the conventions I noticed and will include in my double page spread:

- Title: Indicates what section of the magazine the reader is in

- Heading: Announces the band/artist the pages are about

- Main image: Of the focus artist/band

- Interview: A long piece of text with a story about the band

- Smaller images: To give a different, more personal view of the artist/band

- Extra Feature: Adds fun to the page, usually a small box with lyrics in

Now that I have researched some other rock music magazines double page spreads I can now start to plan and visualise my own. I really liked some of the Kerrang! double page spreads, particularly the My Chemical Romance one. I thought the layout worked very well, and that the general feel of the page represented rock music well. My double page spread will be about the cover artist of my magazine: Ashley. She is a rock music artist to match with my magazines genre, and the pages will be about her new album and general new contribution to the music industry. It will be an exclusive to Volume! readers to give my magazine and extra selling point. Here is my plan:

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