Monday 11 April 2011

Double Page Spread Continued

Now that I have the main parts of my double page spread sorted out and placed onto the page, I can now start to all the smaller details. The first thing I will add is the small film strip of smaller images down the right of the page. I have seen this used a lot in magazines to show different views of the artist. I will pick some images out of the photoshoot I did for the double page spread that involve my model using different props in different positions. I will then edit them exactly like I did with the main image, changing the contrast and brightness and making them in sepia colours. Here are my chosen three edited images:

This will work well as it is from a different perspective from all the other images. The camera is looking up at the which connotes power. The headphones and the amp give it a rock look, as doe her feisty facial expression.

This image will work well because it is a profile shot of my artist. She is looking directly into the camera and connects well with the audience. The addition of the drum stick and headphones connote rock music and the way she is holding the drum stick gives it a fun and quirky feel.

This image is different from the rest as the artist is not looking at the camera, but down at her guitar. This says that she is committed to her music and gives off a more serious feel. The electric guitar and amp connote rock music.
With these three images, I opened Photoshop and arranged and cropped them into a film strip of photographs. I also added a small black border around each so the they would stand out a bit more from the background. Here is the feature:

Here is my double page spread so far:

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