Wednesday 13 April 2011

Double Page Spread Continued

I decided to was time to add my extra feature to my double page spread. I have saw many small strips of text in rock magazine double page spread, featuring small reviews of albums and songs. I also saw this in a Kerrang! double page spread I analysed of My Chemical Romance. They used a small bar along the side of the page to speak about some of the new songs sounds and quote lyrics from them. I thought this would be perfect to go with my story as it would give the readers a real exclusive sneak peak into my artists new album. So I decided to recreate this bar with 3 reviews about 3 different new songs with lyric quotations. I will place this at the bottom of my page as I have a lot of free space here.

I chose three songs and made up titles for them, I then reviewed them by using musical language such as "Soft acoustics" and "Complex melodies". As music followers, my audience can relate and understand these terms. I then featured some lyrics underneath in quotations. Here is an example of one of the three reviews and lyrics:

I added these three reviews to a white background, and then added some red shaped arrows to the end for decoration and to attract my audience towards the feature. I put a them in a bold deep red colour and lowered the opacity of the ones that overlapped the text so it was still readable. Here is the finished feature:

I then added this all along the bottom of my magazine and put the layer underneath my main image so it did not disrupt it. Here is my double page spread so far:

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