Friday 1 April 2011

Question 2.

2. How does your media product present particular social groups?

Throughout my magazine, I wanted to present the image of teenagers and young adults in a much more unique, quirky and rebellious style. On my front cover, the black and white image in which the artist is not quite giving a completely direct mode of address to the audience adds a much more spontaneous atmosphere than most conventional magazines. I created two double page spreads in which I challenged the stereotypical conventions of representing an artist or a group. By using two extremely contrasting colours, red and purple, as the dominant colours on the main image, I believe that it dramatizes and encapsulates what the style of this band was. I did not want to choose a stereotypical indie band with dull colours as this would not be challenging to any conventions of the industry so I decided to style my models with bold colours, as well as the standard black and white. However, the style of the male member’s shirt, jacket and bow tie combination add a much more retro style completely contrasting with most modern day clothing choices. This not only represents the artists of the group as being different and distinctive, but reflects the magazines overall style which Is something that I purposely tried to do using the models that I chose.

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