Friday 25 March 2011

Contents Page Finishing Touches

My contents page is almost done now. The last and final thing I wanted to include was an editors note, as I have seen a lot of these in my research of contents pages. This is a short message from the editor of the magazine explaining a little bit about the issue and what to expect from it this week, followed by a signature. I will relate the text to my front cover by speaking about the exclusive interview with my cover artist Ashley mostly. Here is the text I will include:

Hey guys, just letting you know that this week we have an extra special Volume! exclusive for you. Yes, that’s right, it’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for: We have finally spoken to Ashley Bloor! Read all about her new album first here. And most importantly, enjoy! Editor: John Smith

I will use Photoshop to set this out properly, still in black writing as I do not want to distract my audience as it is only a small feature at the bottom of my page. I will separate it from the rest of my magazine with thin black lines. I will also use the paint tool to create a signature from the editor to make it more realistic. Furthermore, I have decided I will make the first two letters capital and bold to grab the readers attention when they start reading. The informal tone "Hey Guys" will also appeal to my audience of teens and young adults. Here is the finished feature:

I also wanted to add one last finishing touch - a page number. I noticed a lot of magazine have their page number with a link to their website next to it and thought this would also give my magazine a professional look. Here is what I added:

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