Friday 1 April 2011

Question 4.

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

The demographic who my magazine would be targeted at would be the mass audience of 16-25 year olds. More specifically, my magazine will be manufactured to match the aesthetic and content requirements of a male audience. As the magazines genre and market is a musically orientated one, the male audience will have to have an interest in music. For this reason, I made the magazine cover a wide range of music which this age range of male audiences are interested in. This means that I am appealing to a much more wide spread, mass market. However, the unconventional features of my magazine, such as the indie bands and un-signed artists that I am introducing, will help me to tap into a much more niche market. The aspiration would be for this magazine to be perfect for 16-25 year old, males with ideologies similar to those represented in the magazine. This would mean that not only does the magazine have a large, wide spread audience, but it can tap into the specific audience of males that shop at ‘Topman’ and listen to relatively unknown artists such as ‘Darwin Deez’.

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