Friday 1 April 2011

Question 5.

5. How did you attract/address your audience? The front cover of my magazine will attract my audience as it represents them in a very socially realistic way but with a modern edge. By using a model that fits into the specification for my target audience, means that they can relate to the artist. However, the use of neutral tones and a black and white filter means that it emphasizes the moody expression on his face. This can be a reflection of some of the audience but also expresses the style and genre of music which the magazine is representing. This will attract my audience as they will be interested in this style of music and they can relate to the model. My main double page spread shows another image in which the models look moody and focused. The focused expression could mirror my audience’s passion at this time in their life to succeed and to be individual. However, on the second double page spread, there is a contrasting image of the band as they are shown having fun and being care-free. I used this image as I believed that it would also represent another side of my audience which is one that can have fun and embrace life. Due to this combination of images I feel that my magazine represents my audience and therefore will attract them to purchase the magazine.

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